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Mobile Experts

Mobile experts is your local phone repair and iPhone screen repair shop, and electronics repair center. iPad repair and computer repair. Mobile phone repair service. We can replace screens on phones, cameras on most electronics, speakers for low volume, e


Mobile Experts


2700 Little Mountain Dr A 104
San Bernardino CA 92405
United States


(909) 663-9011

Mobile experts is your local iPhone repair shop and electronics repair center. iPad repair and computer repair. Mobile phone repair service. We can replace screens on phones, cameras on most electronics, speakers for low volume, electronics charge port replacements. We are Electronics Repair Specialists that specialize in phone repair. We can assist you with any issues such as battery problems, no power, data retrieval, screen broken, glass cracked, LCD damaged issues, and many other issues on many devices. iPhone Repair, iPhone screen repair, iPhone battery repair, Samsung repair, and tablet repairs. Our store stocks used phones and accessories as well as iPad screen repair and android repair.


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